The Secret To Turning Interviews into Offers

The secret to turning interviews into offers is simple: Turn the fear of the unknown like (“What are they going to ask, and how do I respond?”) into the predictable. Here’s how to do it:

1. Study and prepare for the interview by collecting and comparing job descriptions. When you understand skills and the areas of expertise needed, you can predict the kind of questions likely to be asked, and plan the kind of response you’ll use. The following points will help you do this.

2. Make sure you know the specifics of how your job supports company profitability in at least one of these three ways:

  • Making money.
  • Saving money.
  • Increasing productivity.

3. Know how to solve the problems that come up in your line of work. You are first and foremost a problem-solver within a specific area of expertise, and your actions help an employer make money, save money or otherwise increase productivity. This means that as a professional, you maintain a constant awareness of:

  • How you can prevent common problems from occurring.
  • How you can solve problems efficiently when they arise.
  • How you stop problems from slowing down colleagues who must subsequently deal with your work product.

This is how you help the department be successful and fulfill its role in helping the company make money, save money or otherwise increase productivity. Connecting these profitability considerations to the responsibilities of your job will make you a standout.                                                                        

We hope you found this informative and it helps you Ace your next interview

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